Primary Plan

The Primary Plan uses scorecards and endorsements. A QR code will be distributed and printed on campaign signs so that true Republicans are aware of voting records at the time of voting. This way we can make sure that elected Republicans adhere to the Planks, or know that there will be consequnces. Make leadership accountable, and end corruption.

  The Red Wave App

The Red Wave App is the Stack Overflow for America First Solution. Here we discover and discuss the solutions that work to fix the Republican party, our local goverment, and America.

The Red Wave App is also paired with The Primary Plan( which uses scorecards and endorsements. A QR code will be distributed and printed on campaign signs so that true Republicans are aware of voting records at the time of voting. This way we can make sure that elected Republicans adhere to the Planks, or know that there will be consequnces. Make leadership accountable, and end corruption.

The Red Wave App network contains these features:

1) Auto-following of all issue groups, your state group, and other users
2) Main Wall for viewing group posts and user timelines
3) User Profile contains pic, email, stae, zip, bio, social networks, precinct committeeman/woman progress
4) Postings that pull content from links
5) Replies to comments
6) Liking posts and comments
7) Real time chat to person or group
8) Video and audio calling a person
9) Groups (Public and Private)
10) Notifications
○ General Notifications: when someone adds a new post to a specific, or reply some comment/post, vote on some comment/post relate to a group or user profile. The other user will receive a notification about that.
○ Chat notification: when someone adds a new comment on the chat session, Link will send notification about that to other users in the group.
○ User notification: when someone follow another user in the network.
Email Notifications: Notify users by email for password recovery, or for registration, activation, or for group user request.
11) Emoticons
12) Hashtags: classify and tag posts and comments. when a user clicks on the specific Hashtag, will view all posts and comments that contain the Hashtag.
13) Mentions: @mentions mention another user in a post or comment
14) Search content: search for all posts by date, member, post and comment content.
15) Reset Password: When a user needs to change his/her password to a new one.
16) Request to join Group: ask another member to join specific group(private group).
17) Explore People: Follow and unfollow other users.
18) Explore groups: Discover a new group.
19) Presence indicator: Active or Inactive

Quick Info, subject to change.

1) You can email with any issues.
2) Mike.Buchanan is the moderator
3) Off topic posts will be moved to the proper group, or Miscellaneous group
4) Many posts here are Question/Answer or Problem/Solution
5) Moderator will be posting a consolidated 'Answer' or 'Solution' post from the comments, and updating the appropriate resources.
